Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hurrah! Devotchka is coming!

I don't normally make a big song and dance about bands and tour dates because lots of other people do it so well...but I'm making an exception this time. Regular readers will recall me wittering on about Devotchka when they supported Dresden Dolls last year. Down to earth as ever I urged people to quit their jobs and follow them around the world...'cos they were that good. At least 16 people lost their homes, careers and sanity as a result. If you've ever watched Little Miss Sunshine (a truly great little film) you will also know them as they provided most of the music for it. Anyway they are great. And they're coming back to England. In August. For just 3 dates. AND ONE OF THEM IS IN BIRMINGHAM! Oh joy.

August 2007

20th London 93 Feet East (is that a map reference?)

21st Birmingham Bar Academy (hmmm sound issues ahoy)

22nd Manchester Academy 3 (Manchester gets 3 Academys...lucky old Manchester...still not the second city yah boo and sucks to you).

Oh, I've still not said what they're like yet have I? Hmmm, well the recordings don't really do them justice...they're kind of Eastern European, a bit gypsy...a bit jazzy...there are and whistling...quite a bit of whistling...go and have a listen for yourself. Maybe I was gripped by some kind of emotional 'thing' at the time but it was one of the best gigs I've ever seen (and I've seen one or two). There. Promotional rant over. I expect a free Devotchka T-shirt in the post in the morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your t-shirt and stickers are on the way-- if you're going to champion a band as great as DeVotchka, it's the least you can expect. Actually, I can't provide you with any shwag, but I do agree that this band has more to offer than most, especially live.