Tuesday, January 03, 2012


...oh...oh...oh dear...feel like I've eaten, drunk and watched a thousand Christmases...at the very least. Ouch. Traditionally this is one of the toughest days of the year I believe, as millions of us prize our bulging bums off the sofa and waddle back to work. As someone who works from home the waddling is minimal, in fact I managed to shuffle from sofa to computer on my bottom like a dog with worms, but for those of you having to brave traffic/public transport/the office for the first time in weeks I'm feeling your pain brothers and sisters. As ever I always find that a little music helps and right now I can think of nothing better than a quick blast of X-Ray Spex. The passing of lead singer Poly was one of the sadder music related deaths last year, coming just days after the release of her big comeback album after several decades in relative obscurity. Balls. As we all heave our collective asses back into action why not crank up the speakers and get the office bouncing around for a few minutes eh? I'm sure the bosses won't mind...just call it a bit of team building or something...just so long as they don't listen to the lyrics too closely.

PS: Oh, Happy New Year too by the way. Normal service will be resumed as soon as the fog of turkey, rum and endless repeats of Only Fools and Horses lifts...that'll be June then.

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