Monday, October 09, 2017

The Day Ends - PMPD live!

Still fighting off the flu but now I've added the fallout of a chilli eating competition that I entered yesterday too. Ouch. Happily a new live clip from The Day Ends came my way this morning. The line up may be new but the sound's as epic and confrontational as ever with the semi-shamanic Miles Perhower this time venting his considerable spleen against the world of pop music promoters.

My faith in the band (and its predecessor Miss Halliwell) remains as solid as ever and, quite frankly, we need music like this more than ever these days. With rumours of a new album in the pipework (actually do you mind if we don't talk about pipework...those chillis are wreaking havoc with mine) and plans to get out on the road 2018 could well - finally - be their year. Quite frankly that doesn't really matter anymore. Miles and co have done and continue to do what they hell they like, leaving behind an enviable body of work that will quite possibly outlast even styrofoam. So there.

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